Range of exported products


The range of exported products

The French cattle and beef industry exports a full range of products so as to meet all potential importers’ needs: Genetic products (breeding cattle), Livestock and Beef.

Today, whatever the country, there is only one contact to know to find the right partner for your business: contact.export@interbev.fr

Breeding Cattle

Given a wide topographic, pedoclimatic and cultural variety, France still has an important diversity of cattle breeds. They are split into dairy, mixed and specialized beef breeds. Such diversity means that exporters can adapt to all kinds of demands and environments.

They are able to export :

  • Heifers of different ages (young heifers less than one year old, ready to cover heifers aged 13-14 to 18-20 month according to the breed, or ready to calve heifers aged 20-24 to 25-30 month according to the breed)
  • Cows
  • Bulls, for natural covering or for artificial insemination centers

The breeding stock will be exported with pedigrees : herd book registration, official pure breed guarantee.


They can export cattle breeds but particularly live cattle are of various categories:

Cattle for fattening

  • Calves (15 days to 1 month)
  • Store cattle (wide age and weight ranges depending on both breed and season)
  • Partly fed cattle (wide age and weight ranges depending on both breed and season)

Fat cattle for slaughter

  • Young bulls,
  • Steers or culled cows and bulls

Beef and bovine offals
Here again, the industry offers a complete product range:

  • Half carcasses or quarters
  • Vacuum packed meat
  • Industrial consumer sale units
  • Further processed products
  • Offals

For each of these export categories, the French industry is qualified to define together with you the optimal quality level best to take into account

  • Your objectives and targets
  • The pedoclimatic environment as well as the available feed resources and technical capacities as far as live animals are concerned Social and economic expectations.