Life beef carbon
The LIFE BEEF CARBON project aims to better measure GHG emissions and carbon storage, identify, demonstrate and disseminate innovative good practices on farm to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the beef carbon footprint by 15% from now to 2025.
The partners will implement the following actions:
1 – Inventory of existing methodologies and practices, information sharing, harmonization, building a common GHG assessment methodology, updating advisory tools to allow comparison.
Construction of a common beef carbon framework composed of innovative practices aiming at reducing GHG emissions and increasing carbon sequestration,
- 2 – 150 Training advisers (national and regional) and 170 innovative farmers involved in the project, to build a common knowledge,
- 3 – Creating a LIFE BEEF CARBON demonstrative farm observatory composed of 2,000 beef farms, taking part in the 1st beef carbon assessment actions operated at such a large scale, covering
several production contexts, - 4 – Construction of a network of 170 innovative farms to test/apply/promote innovative
techniques to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon storage. Development, monitoring and
promotion of beef farms with a low carbon footprint,Action 5 – Elaboration de la feuille de route climatique de la production de viande bovine - 5 – Establishment of national/EU carbon awareness and mobilization based on a EU beef carbon
farmers’ network, allowing exchanges between farmers and advisers in the 4 countries, and a
feedback from farmers on the acceptability/feasibility of the BEEF CARBON ACTION PLANS relying on the innovative techniques tested at farm level, - 6 – Development of national French/Irish/Italian/Spanish BEEF CARBON ACTION PLANS, and a relevant partnership strategy for other national and UE levels. These ACTION PLANS will demonstrate to the beef value chains the interest and feasibility of this approach aiming at reducing the beef carbon footprint by 15% in 10 years.